4.10 Useful Reading Material
(a) Important Foundations
- Turing machines and languages with only two formation rules, C.Bohm and G.Jacopini, Communications of the ACM, Vol.9, No.5, pp366-371, May 1966.
- Go To statement considered harmful, E.W.Dijkstra, Communications of the ACM, Vol.11, No.3, pp147-148, March 1969
- Principles of Program Design, M.A.Jackson, Academic Press, 1975
- Engineermanship, a Philosophy of Design, L.Harrisberger, L.Harrisberger, (An essential read. Out of print but available on Amazon.)
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd Ed., G.Booch, 1994
- Structured Programming (in Software Engineering Techniques), E.W.Dijkstra, Nato Science Committee (Eds. J.N.Buxton and B.Randell), pp99-93, Rome, 1969
- Objectifying Real-Time Systems, J.R.Ellis, SIGS Books, New York, 1994
- A practical guide to real-time systems development, S.Goldsmith, 1993
- Strategies for Real-time System Specification, D.Hatley, and E.Pirbhai, Dorset...