Data in Document Format
For relational databases, data is usually in a tabular form. The file format for tabular data is usually CSV or TSV. However, data in modern web applications is rarely in a tabular form. For example, when we send a tweet on Twitter, we are effectively making a post request to the tweeter's server with the data being a document format. The data in our post request looks as follows:
Figure 10.39: Data in document format
If you are familiar with web programming, you'll notice that this data is in a JSON format. Data in JSON format naturally manifests the structure of the object in object-oriented programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Java. Nowadays, the most common data format that web servers are using between their communications is JSON. For web developers, data in JSON format is preferred to work with than data in tabular format, which means NoSQL databases are also preferable over relational databases...