Listing videos
Let's start with the first scene, where the user will see, in the table view, a list of his/her videos. In this scene, we just need to add a label and a table view. Set the label title to Choose your video and place it at the top center of the screen. Under it, place the table view, occupying the rest of the screen. The final layout should be similar to the following screenshot:

Once you have the scene layout, go to its view controller file, import the Photos
framework, and complete the class header by adding the UITableViewDataSource
and UITableViewDelegate
protocols. This is shown in the following highlighted code:
import Photos class InitialViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
Photos is a framework that replaces Assets Library and it is available for iOS 8.0. Therefore, ensure that your deployment target is for iOS 8 or above while using this framework.
This class needs two attributes: one is the table view instance and the other...