With the advent of cloud-native, another model that is growing in popularity is Function as a Service (FaaS). It can be helpful if you want to achieve a serverless architecture. With FaaS, you get a platform (similarly to PaaS) on which you can run short-lived applications, or functions.
With PaaS, you typically always need to have at least one instance of your service running, while in FaaS you can run them only when they're actually needed. Running your function can make the time to handle requests longer (measured in seconds; you need to launch the function after all). However, some of those requests can be cached to reduce both the latency and costs. Speaking about costs, FaaS can get way more expensive than PaaS if you run the functions for a long time, so you must do the math when designing your system.
If used correctly, FaaS abstracts away the servers from the developers, can reduce your costs, and...