Testing the robot
Now that we have tested the components of our robot, it is time to take it for a spin. The first step is to install the wheels of the robot (as shown in the following figure):
Figure 9.23 – Installing wheels on the robot
The code samples for the line-following and obstacle-avoidance robots are available for download along with this chapter as line_following.py
and obstacle_avoidance.py
. We tested the line-following robot using a mat from Kitronik (https://bit.ly/3GAn0xM), as shown in the following figure:
Figure 9.24 – Line-following robot on a map
Robotics contests
Where do we go from here? If building robots interests you, we recommend checking out contests organized by your local robotics club. There are other types of robots, such as maze-solving robots and sumo wrestling robots, for example. Some clubs even organize robotic sumo wrestling competitions. Our favorite contest is a Micromouse contest...