Hardware list
A summary of the hardware used in the chapters of this book is mentioned in this section.
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the Raspberry Pi setup; the items mentioned include the following:
Raspberry Pi and power supply
An HDMI display and HDMI cable / analog TV and analog video cable
Network cable / Wi-Fi adaptor
Chapter 2-5
No additional hardware has been used in these chapters as they discuss purely software recipes.
Chapter 6
The components used in this chapter are available at most electronic component retailers (such as those listed previously in the General electronic component retailers section). They are also available as a complete kit from Pi Hardware. Where items are available from specific retailers, they are highlighted in the text.
The kit for controlling an LED includes the following equipment:
4x Dupont Female to Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or a larger one (Pimoroni)
An RGB LED (Common-Cathode) / 3 standard LEDs (ideally Red/Green/Blue)
A breadboarding wire (solid core)
3x 470-ohm resistors
The kit for responding to a button includes the following equipment:
2x Dupont Female to Male Patch wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or a larger one (Pimoroni)
A push button to make switch and momentary switch (or a wire connection to make/break the circuit)
A breadboarding wire (solid core)
A 1K ohm resistor
The items used for the controlled shutdown button are as follows:
3x Dupont Female to Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
A mini breadboard (170 tie-point) or larger (Pimoroni)
A push button
A normal LED (red)
2x 470-ohm resistors
A breadboarding wire (solid core)
The additional items used in the There's more... section of the recipe A controlled shutdown button are as follows:
A push button
A 470-ohm resistor
A pin header x2 pins with a jumper connector (or optionally a switch)
A breadboarding wire (solid core)
2 x 4 pin headers
The items used for the GPIO keypad input are as follows:
Breadboard: half-sized or larger (Pimoroni)
7x Dupont Female to Male Patch Wires (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
6x push buttons
6x 470-ohm resistors
Alternatively a self-solder DPad Kit (Pi Hardware)
The items used for multiplexed color LEDs are as follows:
5x Common-Cathode RGB LEDs
3x 470-ohm resistors
Vero-prototype board or large breadboard (Tandy)
A self-solder RGB-LED kit (Pi Hardware)
Chapter 7
This chapter uses the following hardware:
A PCF8591 chip or module (DealExtreme SKU: 150190 or Quick2Wire I2C Analogue Board Kit)
Adafruit I2C Bidirectional logic-level translator (Adafruit ID: 757)
Chapter 8
This chapter uses the Raspberry Pi camera module; it is available from most makers, hobbyists, and Raspberry Pi specialists.
Chapter 9
Pi-Rover requires the following hardware or similar:
A giant paper clip (76 mm / 3 inches) or caster wheel
Motor and geared wheels (ModMyPi or PiBorg)
Battery / power source
Chassis: push nightlight
Motor driver/controller: Darlington Array Module ULN2003 (DealExtreme SKU – 153945)
Small cable ties or wire ties
The following list is also mentioned in the There's more… section:
PicoBorg Motor Controller (PiBorg PicoBorg)
Magician Robot Chassis (Sparkfun ID: 10825)
4-Motor Smart Car Chassis (DealExtreme SKU: 151803)
2-Wheel Smart Car Model (DealExtreme SKU: 151803)
The advanced motor control example uses the following item:
The H-Bridge motor controller (DealExtreme SKU: 120542 or GeekOnFire SKU: A2011100407).
The Hex Pod Pi-Bug requires the following hardware or similar:
Adafruit I2C 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver (Adafruit ID: 815)
MG90S 9g Metal Gear Servos (HobbyKing)
Giant paper clips x 3 (76mm/3inch)
Light gauge wire/cable ties
A small section of plywood or a fiberboard
The following hardware is used in the remaining sections to expand the available inputs/outputs, avoid obstacles, and determine the direction of the robot:
MCP23017 I/O Expander (Ciseco SKU: K002)
Micro switches
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor (DealExtreme SKU: 133696)
The ultrasonic sensor uses a 2K ohm resistor and a 3K ohm resistor
XLoBorg: MAG3110 Compass Module (PiBorg XLoBorg)
Optionally x4 Female to Male Dupont wires can be used to connect with the XLoBorg (Pimoroni Jumper Jerky)
Chapter 10
This chapter uses the following hardware:
Remote Controlled Mains Sockets (Maplin/Amazon)
Relay Modules (Banggood 8-Way SKU075676)
The alternative is to use the 433Mhz RF Transmitter/Receiver (Banggood SKU075671)
LED 8x8 SPI Matrix Module MAX7219 (Banggood Self-solder kit SKU072955)
RS-232 to USB Cable (Amazon/general computer supplies)
RS-232 Null-Modem Cable/Adaptor (Amazon/general computer supplies)
RS-232 TTL USB Console Cable (Adafruit ID: 70)
HC-05 Bluetooth Master/Slave Module with PCB Backplate (Banggood SKU078642)
USB Tenx Technology SAM Missile Launcher
OWI Robotic Arm with USB Interface (Maplin/Amazon)