Patterns, templates, and widgets
Patterns, templates, and widgets work in the same way both on mobile and reactive web (the code generation is a little bit different, but that's abstracted by the platform). The differences are based more on the type of each patterns or widget that we should use after consideration of the devices on which the applications will run.
The OutSystems platform knows that, when we create a phone or tablet-type module, it must adapt the patterns and templates to the selected type, thereby facilitating the developer's selection of which ones should be used, as we can see in Figure 9.1:
Figure 9.1 – Screen templates for a phone or tablet
Basically, smartphones and tablets usually have smaller screens, lower resolutions, and, in terms of usability, the fingers are usually used to navigate the applications.
In light of this, we must pay attention to how the pages are presented in order to have a coherent appearance...