Creating websites from collections of Quarto documents
Pandoc is a versatile tool that can convert documents between many different formats, including Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, and PDF. It can be used to convert a collection of Markdown documents into a static website. The basic workflow is to write the content in Markdown files, use Pandoc to convert the Markdown files to HTML files, and then serve the HTML files using a web server. Quarto enables this workflow by providing style templates, a series of extra markup, and rendering configurations that simplify the render through Pandoc.
The produced website can be hosted like any other. Of particular, but perhaps not obvious, utility for bioinformaticians is GitHub, which can be used as a hosting platform for the static website. GitHub allows users to create a repository to store the rendered sites, and then use GitHub Pages to host the static website. GitHub Pages is a free service that can host static websites that are built from...