Interview with Max Henderson, Senior Data Scientist, Rigetti and QxBranch
Just before I started to write this book, I felt I had a good grasp of the industries and use cases that I would be focusing on. I had a vision for the flow of the book, and the real-world problems I would be covering. However, through the research I have done over the course of writing the book, I realized there were areas that I should be touching upon that I hadn't planned to. The interview with Max Henderson was certainly serendipitous for me as an author, and something I hadn't planned for. I hope it will bring to light an interesting application of quantum computing for you, the reader.
Max Henderson and I have been social media acquaintances for some time. We have interacted with each other's posts, however, we never took the next logical step of sending a personal message to each other and saying hello. It was early in 2019 that I reached out to him to have a conversation...