Batch importing a folder of Shapefiles into PostGIS using ogr2ogr
We would like to extend our last script to loop over a folder full of Shapefiles and import them into PostGIS. Most importing tasks involve more than one file to import, so this makes it a very practical task.
How to do it...
Our script will reuse the previous code in the form of a function so that we can batch process a list of Shapefiles to import into the PostgreSQL PostGIS database.
- We will create our list of Shapefiles from a single folder for the sake of simplicity:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess import os import ogr def discover_geom_name(ogr_type): """ :param ogr_type: ogr GetGeomType() :return: string geometry type name """ return {ogr.wkbUnknown : "UNKNOWN", ogr.wkbPoint : "POINT", ogr.wkbLineString : "LINESTRING", ogr.wkbPolygon...