Checking your ArcPy install
Python is the official scripting language of ArcGIS and ArcPy is a site package designed to automate analysis and map production workflows. The ArcPy package allows you access to the geoprocessing functionality of ArcGIS Pro.
Python packages contain multiple modules, functions, and classes set up with a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure allows properties and tools to nest within modules within the ArcPy package.
ArcPy is installed with ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop. ArcPy has been used to write Python scripts in ArcGIS since ArcGIS 10.0. ArcGIS Desktop uses Python 2.7, which is currently up to release 2.7.18. ArcGIS Pro uses a new version of Python, Python 3. The most recent release of Python 3 as of publishing is Python 3.9.10. ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro each will install a version of Python on your computer when you install them. Which version of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro you have installed will determine the version of...