Exploring repositories
Repositories are classes that belong to infrastructure. They understand the underlying storage platform and interact with the specifics of the data store system.
They should not contain business logic, and they should only be concerned with loading and saving data.
Repositories are a way of achieving a single responsibility (as in SOLID’s single responsibility principle) by having the services and the domains responsible for business logic but not responsible for data persistence. DDD gives the data persistence responsibility to the repositories.
An example of a repository
You’ve seen this line of code previously in the UpdateTitleService
var post = _postRepository.GetById(postId);
Here, we will show you a potential implementation of GetById
Using Dapper with SQL Server
Dapper is a .NET library categorized under the term micro-ORM. It is very popular and used in StackOverflow.
Dapper can be used to access a SQL...