In this chapter, you learned how to get started when working with PowerShell for cybersecurity. You obtained a high-level understanding of OOP and its four main principles. You learned what properties and methods are and how they apply to an object.
You now understand how to install the latest version of PowerShell Core and understand how to perform some basic tasks such as working with the history, clearing the screen, and canceling commands.
You have learned that Execution Policy is only a feature that keeps you from running scripts unintentionally, and it's important to understand that it is not a security control to prevent you from attackers.
You learned how to help yourself and obtain more information about cmdlets, functions, methods, and properties, using the help system.
Now that you have also found and installed your preferred PowerShell editor, you are ready to get started, learn about the PowerShell scripting fundamentals, and write your first scripts in the next chapter.