Other tutorials
In addition to the previous links, here are some useful tutorials regarding the use of AngularJS and PhoneGap. Though some of them are slightly outdated (especially for PhoneGap), it is still generally useful for you to understand how both PhoneGap and AngularJS work together by referring to the following links:
- How to use PhoneGap and AngularJS together is available at http://tech.pro/tutorial/1336/phonegap-and-angularjs-the-start
- Sample Mobile Application with AngularJS and PhoneGap is available at http://coenraets.org/blog/2013/11/sample-mobile-application-with-angularjs/
- Sample Mobile Application with Ionic Framework and PhoneGap is available at http://coenraets.org/blog/2014/02/sample-mobile-application-with-ionic-and-angularjs/