Solutions to commonly occurring situations
Among several common use-cases in PDI, there are three that have been specially addressed in PDI 5: restartability, database transactions, and looping.
Restartability has to do with the ability of restarting a job after an interruption. To keep track of the status of an execution, you define checkpoints. Checkpoints ensure that the status variable, arguments, files, and rows from the result set are serialized. This way, the execution of a failed job can be easily resumed in a safe state after the following job entry of the last successful checkpoint.
The second common requirement that was introduced is the database transaction across transformations and jobs. This differs from previous versions of PDI where the scope of a transaction was a single transformation or job.
Finally, a very interesting feature included in PDI 5 is the possibility of including subjobs in transformations, through the use of executors. For a long time PDI developers used...