Leapping from Oracle Linux 7 to 8
A challenge system admins often face is what to do when you have an older OS deployed and it’s about to reach the date when support ends. It happens, and it’s not fun. This will put you in a position to reinstall the newer OS on new systems, and then migrate your workload over. For many systems, there is a better way known as Leapp.
Leapp allows you to upgrade your OS from Oracle Linux 7 to Oracle Linux 8. There is no need to reinstall everything on new systems. Leapping consists of two phases:
- A pre-upgrade phase that checks the system to determine whether the software can be upgraded
- A second phase that actually performs the upgrade
Sounds good. But there are a few things you need to know.
Getting ready
First, Leapping from 7 to 8 is not supported for all use cases. Table 1.1 shows what Oracle will support when performing the operation. Leapp does not always work well with complex applications, such as database...