Converting entity lists into network data
Now that we have pretty clean entity data, it is time to convert it into a Pandas DataFrame that we can easily load into NetworkX for creating an actual social network graph. There’s a bit to unpack in that sentence, but this is our workflow:
- Load text.
- Extract entities.
- Create network data.
- Create a graph using network data.
- Analyze the graph.
Again, I use the terms graph and network interchangeably. That does cause confusion, but I did not come up with the names. I prefer to say “network,” but then people think I am talking about computer networks, so then I have to remind them that I am talking about graphs, and they then think I am talking about bar charts. You just can’t win when it comes to explaining graphs and networks to those who are not familiar, and even I get confused when people start talking about networks and graphs. Do you mean nodes and edges, or do you mean TCP/IP...