Chapter 2. Picture This
This chapter will essentially focus on creating and editing pictures for the course Music for an everyday life, which includes finding free pictures online, making photo collages, and comic strips, or just simple screenshots and slideshows. We will also have a look at some basic photography concepts so that we can start creating and enhancing some nice photos for our course.
By the end of this chapter you will be able to:
Use a set of free software tools for common procedures in picture editing
Create and edit photos for the course
Select appropriate image formats according to your needs
Integrate images in Moodle
Finding free pictures online
Reinventing the wheel, especially for teachers, is a great path to burn-out. Creating pictures for our courses (photos, drawings, and icons), if we are working from scratch, is extremely time-consuming, adding to the course design effort, interaction with students, or worse, assessment. Fortunately, we are not working alone anymore...