Agile user story – create invoice PDF
Title: Create PDF invoices from Dataverse records
As a: Web developer
I want: To generate PDF files from Dataverse invoice records and enable customers to download these PDFs from the web page
So that: Customers can easily access and download their invoice copies for their records
Acceptance criteria
- File generation:
- Utilize an Office Word template for invoice data
- Convert the Word template to a PDF using Power Automate
- Store the generated PDF in the Dataverse file field
- File accessibility:
- Ensure the PDF file can be downloaded from the web page
- Prevent users from replacing the generated PDF
- Enable the download link only when the invoice status is marked as Filled
- Email integration:
- Attach the PDF to emails sent to customers
- Implement a button on the web page to trigger sending the email with the PDF attachment
- Implementation steps:
- Create and configure necessary Dataverse file columns
- Develop a Power Automate cloud...