The Role Center structure
The following screenshot shows Page 9006 – Order Processor Role Center:

The components of the Role Center highlighted in the preceding image are:
- Action Ribbon.
- Navigation Pane.
- Activity Pane.
- Cue Group Actions (in Cue Groups).
- Cues (in Cue Groups).
- Page Parts.
- System Part.
A general representation of the structure of a Role Center Page is shown in the following outline:

We need to understand the construction of a Role Center Page so that we are prepared to modify an existing Role Center or create a new one. First, we'll take a look at Page 9006 – Order Processor Role Center in the Page Designer.

The Role Center page layout should look familiar, because it's very similar in structure to the pages we've designed previously. What's specific to a Role Center page? There is a Container control of SubType RoleCenterArea. This is required for a Role Center page. There are two Group Controls, which represent the two columns...