Creating Baselines
VMware provides a few baselines with VUM when it's installed. The following baselines are present upon installation:
- Two dynamic host patch baselines named Critical Host Patches and Non-Critical Host Patches
- A dynamic baseline for upgrading VMware Tools to match the host
- A dynamic baseline for upgrading VM hardware to match the host
- A dynamic VA upgrade baseline named VA Upgrade To Latest
Although these baselines provide a good starting point, many administrators will need to create additional baselines that better reflect their organizations' specific patching policy or procedures. For example, organizations may want to ensure that ESXi hosts are kept fully patched with regard to security patches but not necessarily critical nonsecurity patches. You can do this by creating a custom dynamic baseline.
Perform the following steps to create a new dynamic host patch baseline for security-related ESXi host patches:
- Launch the vSphere Web Client, if it is not...