Further reading
There may be some specific scenarios regarding onboarding that this book has not discussed. You can find useful information on examples of these with the following links:
- If your Windows 10 (or server equivalent) devices are not granted internet access, you may use a network proxy to onboard them: campbell.scot/mdeofflinewindows.
- If decommissioning devices, you can go through the opposite of onboarding: offboarding. The process varies by OS, with official documentation available here: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/offboard-machines.
- Alex Verboon’s Microsoft Defender for Endpoint PowerShell module contains, amongst other great tools, cmdlets such as
to monitor onboarding using PowerShell: github.com/alexverboon/PSMDATP. - Completely air-gapped networks with no internet connectivity, including by proxy, are not supported for EDR capabilities, due to the cloud-based nature of MDE. Microsoft has...