SARSA algorithm
SARSA (the name is derived from the sequence state-action-reward-state-action) is a natural extension of TD(0) to the estimation of the Q function. Its standard formulation (which is sometimes called one-step SARSA, or SARSA(0), for the same reasons explained in the previous chapter) is based on a single next reward rt+1, which is obtained by executing the action at in the state st. The temporal difference computation is based on the following update rule:

The equation is equivalent to TD(0), and if the policy is chosen to be GLIE, it has been proven (in Singh S., Jaakkola T., Littman M. L., Szepesvári C., Convergence Results for Single-Step On-Policy Reinforcement-Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning, 39/2000) that SARSA converges to an optimal policy with a probability of 1 when all couples (state, action) are experienced an infinite number of times. This means that if the policy is updated to be greedy with respect to the current value function induced...