Time for action - finding a user and suspending them
1. Start by searching for the user that you would like to suspend. Click on the Manage Users main menu tab, then on User Search.
2. On this page, you will see all the users in your institution listed. You can search alphabetically, or by typing a query in the search box. Find the user you are looking for and click on their name.
3. This will link you to their Account Settings page. As we discussed earlier, this page is split into three sections. To suspend a user, look in the middle section entitled Suspend/Delete User. To suspend your user, type a reason in the box and click Suspend User.

That's all there is to it. You have just suspended the user. Now, visit the Suspended Users page of the admin area by clicking on Manage Users on the main menu, then click on Suspended Users. This page displays all the users that have been suspended. You have the option on this page to Unsuspend Users or to go on to delete them from the Mahara system...