Pulling DSC configurations with a DSC Pull Server
We briefly covered compiling DSC configurations for use on a Pull Server in Chapter 2, DSC Architecture, and we will build on that introduction here. We are going to use the following example DSC configuration with our DSC Pull Server. It's not fancy and it doesn't do a whole lot, but it is great at showing how DSC Pull Servers do the work for us:
Configuration SetupTheSite { Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration Node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Roles -contains 'Target'}).NodeName { WindowsFeature IIS { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Web-Server' } <#..#> xWebsite NewWebsite { Ensure = 'Present' State = 'Started' Name = $Node.WebSiteName PhysicalPath = $Node.WebSiteFolder BindingInfo = MSFT_xWebBindingInformation{ Protocol = 'HTTP' Port = '80' } DependsOn...