Chapter 6. Adding Features to Your Game
This chapter is slightly different than the previous several chapters, in that there is no game associated with this chapter. The reason that we're not building a game with the concepts from this chapter is that the concepts covered are either way too complex for a single chapter (there are entire books dedicated to the topic of WebGL, for example) or they're not a particularly good match for use in a game. Also, some of the features mentioned at the end of the chapter are so new that browser support is still minimal (if any) and the stability of the APIs may not be too reliable. For this reason, we'll simply explain each API, provide meaningful examples, and hope this skin-deep introduction is enough to get you excited about the prospects involved with each API.
The first part of the chapter will cover four HTML5 APIs that are very exciting and powerful additions to the browser platform. First and foremost, we'll cover WebGL , which brings the power...