We assume that you are comfortable with command-line tools and computer programming concepts and languages. The minimum hardware requirements are: Intel Core i7 or equivalent, 8 GB RAM, 35 GB hard disk, and a stable internet connection. You'll also need the following software installed in advance:
- Access to a Kubernetes cluster with the version equal to or higher than 1.10
Local Kubernetes solutions such as minikube or clusters living in cloud providers: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube - Kubernetes command line tool kubectl is required for accessing Kubernetes from terminal:
https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ - Docker client and server with the minimum version of 18.03 are required for building and testing the client libraries:
https://www.docker.com/get-started - Installing Python and Go are not required, however recommended for playing around with the client libraries locally: