Installing Grunt.js
In this task we need to install Grunt.js, which is extremely quick and easy to do, just like the Node installation. We don't even need to download anything manually and as before the same commands should work on either Mac or Windows systems, with only very minor adjustments.
Engage Thrusters
We need to use Node Package Manager NPM to install it, and can do this by running the following command (note that Node itself must not be running):
npm install -g grunt-cli
Mac users may need to use superuser do
at the start of the command:
sudo –s npm install –g grunt
Be prepared to wait a few minutes. Again, we should see a lot of activity as the resources Grunt needs are downloaded and installed. The prompt will return to a flashing cursor once the installation is complete. The CLI should appear like the following screenshot, depending on which platform you are developing on:

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
If all goes according to plan (which, unless you have problems with...