Changing the way the article is displayed
The article editor screen gives you much more power than just formatting text and adding pictures. You can also control how the article should be displayed: as one individual article, split into two parts, or even split in as many parts (subpages), as you like. Let's find out how we can enhance articles with these options.
Splitting the article into intro text and main text
So far, we haven't added any instructions in our article to change the way it displays. Let's have a look at the frontend to see how it's displayed by default. To see again how our new article looks at the frontend, click on the Facts on Bad Art link on the frontend Main Menu.
Earlier in this chapter, you created a link to the Facts category. As you might have noticed (click on the Facts on Bad Art link to check this again if you want), the full five paragraph article shows up on the Facts category overview page. This is not how we want our article to display. If we were to add more...