Setting up a tab bar controller scene
As you saw in the app tour, the JRNL app has a tab bar with two buttons at the bottom of the screen, which are used to display the Journal List and Map screens. You will embed the existing view controller scene in a tab bar and add a second view controller scene to the tab bar. Follow these steps:
- Click the Main storyboard file in the Project navigator:

Figure 10.11: Project navigator with the Main storyboard file selected
The contents of the Main storyboard file appear in the Editor area.
- Click the Document Outline button to display the document outline if it is not present:

Figure 10.12: Editor area with the Document Outline button shown
- Select View Controller in the document outline:

Figure 10.13: Document outline with View Controller selected
- You’ll embed the existing view controller scene in a tab bar controller scene. Choose Embed In | Tab Bar...