Migrating from Domino Directory authentication to LDAP
If you are currently using the Domino Directory for authentication for Sametime and are preparing to install Sametime 8.5.2, you may be considering what steps are necessary to change the authentication from Domino to LDAP. This is especially true if you are planning a migration of existing Sametime users. Some resources for this process can be found at the following links mentioned:
How to change your Sametime server from Domino to LDAP after installation:
Upgrading the IBM Sametime client embedded in IBM Lotus Notes client to Sametime 8.5.1:
A key part of this process is the name conversion that must take place for the buddy lists stored in the
You should proceed with caution when making the name conversion and buddy list changes and of course have a backup of the original file. There are some tools available to help you with managing buddy lists. One of them can be found from Epilio at: