Calendar tools
Under the More button we can find some tools that are very useful. We have already discussed Preferences. In this section we will learn about importing holidays, opening other people's calendars, and calendar cleanup. We will discuss Group Calendars in another section.

Importing Holidays feature
Just the word "holidays" makes this feature sound great and it is indeed a great feature. Our IT Department can customize predefined holiday sets that are provided within Lotus Notes. We can then add them to our calendar. Holidays are typically categorized by country, although our IT Department could include regional holidays as well.
The following is the Import Holidays dialog box:

Each time we import, we will be prompted with what was added, updated, and what was deleted. At any time we want, we can import holidays and, if there have been any changes, these will be reflected in our calendar. We can also import another countries' holidays into our calendar. If we want to remove that...