Report Studio is a web-based tool and the reports designed in Cognos Report Studio are accessed through a web browser. This allows us to do certain web page specific tasks, for example, embedding our own HTML code or JavaScript files.
Often, business users need certain functionality which is not naturally available in Cognos Report Studio. Hence, a new area has evolved in the Cognos Report Studio developer's world—"JavaScripting".
With JavaScript, we can do certain manipulations on the objects used for prompt pages. Please note that this was not officially introduced in the initial Cognos documentation. However, lately many such techniques were published on the IBM website itself.
In this chapter, we will look at some recipes that will teach you very useful and commonly required functionalities achieved using JavaScript files. All these recipes are valid for IBM Cognos 10. For Cognos 8, some code changes might be required. There are a lot of examples and reading material is available...