Using web browser DevTools to access web content
DevTools are some of the most important tools available to us to explore response content of any type, such as HTML, JSON, XML, or TXT.
In the Developer tools section of Chapter 1, we introduced browser-based DevTools with various helpful, information-packed panels and a brief introduction to them. In this section, as the heading reads, we will be using DevTools to locate, find, or access the web content that we are seeking. Normally, we will search for and find the elements holding content in a similar way to how we dealt with XPath and CSS selectors using expressions.
We will explore web content using Google Chrome. Chrome has built-in DevTools with plenty of features that help us, with information on cookies, headers, curl
scripts, prettifying the DOM, DOM navigation, displaying line numbers, folding/unfolding code blocks, element selection, element identification, content searching, and generating XPath and CSS selector expressions...