An example MPC in C++
A full implementation of MPC is beyond the scope of this chapter but you can review this example implementation written in C++ at
The following example will walk you through the implementation of an MPC module that you can use in place of a PID controller for both lateral and longitudinal control. Recall that MPC is a MIMO system, meaning you can control multiple outputs.
The following example shows all the basic components and code you'll need to build an MPC controller:
- First, use the following code to fit a polynomial to your prediction horizon waypoints:
Main.cpp --> polyfit()
Use the following code to calculate cross-tracking errors:
Main.cpp --> polyeval() double cte = polyeval(coeffs, px) - py;
Use the following code to calculate orientation errors:
double epsi = psi - atan(coeffs[1] + 2*coeffs[2]*px + 3*coeffs[3]*px*px) ;
- Now, we use