Chapter 1, Building Stacks for Application State Management, introduces building and using stacks for things such as a custom back button for an application and a syntax parser and evaluator for an online IDE.
Chapter 2, Creating Queues for In-Order Executions, demonstrates using queues and their variants to create a messaging service capable of handling message failures. Then, we perform a quick comparison of the different types of queues.
Chapter 3, Using Sets and Maps for Faster Applications, use sets, and maps to create keyboard shortcuts to navigate between your application states. Then, we create a custom application tracker for recording the analytics information of a web application. We conclude the chapter with a performance comparison of sets and maps with arrays and objects.
Chapter 4, Using Trees for Faster Lookup and Modifications, leverages tree data structures to form a typeahead component. Then, we create a credit card approval predictor to determine whether or not a credit card application would be accepted based on historical data.
Chapter 5, Simplify Complex Applications Using Graphs, discusses graphs with examples such as creating a reference generator for a job portal and a friend recommendation system on a social media website.
Chapter 6, Exploring Types of Algorithms, explores some of the most important algorithms, such as Dijkstra's, knapsack 1/0, greedy algorithms, and so on.
Chapter 7, Sorting and its Applications, explores merge sort, insertion sort, and quick sort with examples. Then, we run a performance comparison on them.
Chapter 8, Big O notation, Space, and Time Complexity, discusses the notations denoting complexities and then, moves on to discuss what space and time complexities are and how they impact our application.
Chapter 9, Micro-optimizations and Memory Management, explores the best practices for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and then, moves on to discuss some of the internal workings of Google Chrome and how we can leverage it to render our applications better and more quickly.