Ramon is a business professional by education and passion, and has a proven record of accomplishment building, managing and leading several teams within a very competitive IT market. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Marketing (BA Hons), a Master in Business Administration (MBA) and is a Certified Trainer of The Success Principles™ by Jack Canfield and continues to work with the best and brightest in the success and leadership development field.nHe founded Lead To Succeed in 2016 to help managers become more successful and effective in their jobs, in ways that benefit both the organization and employees. He is an author, Udemy course instructor, trainer and personal coach for professionals who are looking to further develop their management skills. With over two decades of real-life, in-the-trenches business, management and leadership experience, his view is unlike many management coaches. Ramon shows you the big picture, and guides your development towards success by showing you what to do, how to do it, what to say and how to say it.nKnown for his lively and encouraging teaching style and his no-nonsense direct approach, he walks you, step-by-step, through proven real-world management strategies.
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