Reading objects from the Security database
There are three ways in which you can load related entities using Entity Framework. These areāeager loading, lazy loading, and explicit loading. In eager loading, a query on a particular type of an entity loads the related entities also as part of the query execution. The following code snippet illustrates how you can implement eager loading:
using (SecurityDBEntities context = new SecurityDBEntities()) { // Load all controls and control types var data = context.Controls .Include(b => b.ControlTypes) .ToList(); }
You can load entities lazily even if lazy loading is disabled by making an explicit call. This is known as explicit loading and is illustrated in the following code snippet:
using (SecurityDBEntities context = new SecurityDBEntities()) { var data = context.Controls.Find(2); }
Lazy loading is a feature that enables you to load data only at the time when it is requested...