Getting around
After you installed Elgg, you probably took a look around and noticed that there is a user area and a separate administration area. Each area has its own theme. The link to switch between the two areas is at the top of the page and is only available to administrators.
The web pages have a consistent layout throughout the site. The following is a screenshot of a sample web page with each component labeled. These component labels are used throughout this book.

Topbar: The aptly named topbar is located at the top of the page and is used for navigation.
Header: The site name or logo is located below the topbar in the header. A site menu for navigating to Elgg's different tools is also in the header.
Content Area: Most pages have two columns with the content in the wider column.
Sidebar: The narrow column on the right has a menu specific to a particular area of the site. For example, on a blog page the sidebar menu has links for viewing and interacting with blogs.
Footer: At the...