Navigate to, through your web browser. Click on the Get Started with Drupal button.
On the next page, click on the Download Drupal 7.8 button. This will launch a Download & Extend page. You want to download the 7.x version of Drupal, so click on the tar.gz
download link to start the download. Save the tar.gz
file to your web root directory. At the time of this book's release, the Drupal version is 7.8. It may be a different 7.x version when you go to download it.
After you download the Drupal installation, you will need to unpack it. The installation is delivered in tar.gz
format, to unpack which you may need a specialized tool, such as 7-Zip
WinZip. 7-Zip is a freely-available program designed to work with a wide variety of compressed file formats. On the Mac, you should be able to unzip the file by default, without having to download any tools.
Unzip/unpack the tar.gz
file in your htdocs
or www
folder. The resulting unzipped folder will be called drupal-7.8
, by default. This is your Drupal site folder.
You can rename the drupal-7.8
folder to be more specific to the site you're building. Let's rename the folder artisanbakers
You can now browse to the location where you have installed Drupal in a web browser, to begin the installation process. If you are installing on your localhost environment the URL of the install will be something similar to http://localhost/artisanbakers/install.php
. You should see a screen similar to the following screenshot, asking you to Select an installation profile.
Leave the installation profile Standard selected, and then click on the Save and Continue button:
Leave English set as the default language and click on Save and continue:
The next screen will ask you to add your MySQL database credentials for the database you originally created for the site. First, make sure to leave the MySQL, MariaDB, or equivalent radio button selected. Now, add your credentials, including Database name, Database username, and Database password, here. Once you add the credentials, click on Save and continue.
There may be a case where you need to add Advanced Options for your database connection. If you are going to be installing and hosting the database on an external server you'll want to expand this Advanced Options fieldset and add the path to the externally-hosted server. In our case, we're hosting the database on the same localhost server, so we do not need to expand this fieldset now:
Drupal will now proceed with the install.
The Configure site screen will load next. This screen is split up into various fieldsets. First, you want to give your site a Site name and Site e-mail address. The site name can be Artisan Bakers Collective. For the site e-mail address, type in your e-mail address, for now:
Now, you need to set up the Site Maintenance Account. This first user account on the site is the super-user administration account. You'll use this account to do all the site development and, later, to maintain the site. For now let's call the super user "admin", so type in admin
as the username. You can use the same e-mail address you used previously. Add a password.
The password should be strong and include special characters, such as, # or @. You may also want to use capital letters mixed with lowercase ones and also add numbers to the password. Drupal will check the password, using the password strength visual prompt, and this will assist you in constructing a strong password. This is essential for keeping your site secure.
For Server Settings, choose the Default country and Default time zone for where you are located. This will automatically use the time zone of your country for all date- and time-related functionalities on your website.
Lastly, leave the checkbox next to Update Notifications ticked, to check for updates automatically and receive e-mail notifications.
Click on Save and continue.
The installation will complete and you'll see a congratulations screen. Click on the Visit your new site link, to launch your Drupal 7 website: