Service Components
The components of a SASE service typically include Identity and Access Management (IAM), an Actor Access Connection (AAC), a Policy Endpoint (PEP), and Endpoint Connectivity (EPC).
IAM is a technology where someone or something's identity is validated before being granted access to a system. Once this has happened, the system or service that access has been requested for will be permitted or denied based on the access policy. The policy may restrict access based on the context surrounding the validated identity, such as the time of day, location, user role, application, IP address, or other known variables at the time of access. Access may also be restricted based on the access method or device. The IAM service may also terminate access based on input from another service, such as Data Loss Prevention (DLP) systems.
AAC is essentially the point where a person, device, or service is provided access to the SASE service. The subject actor is essentially...