Exercise 1: Setting Up an Azure Event Hubs Environment
In this exercise, you will provision a namespace and an Event Hubs resource in your Azure subscription. The resources built into the Azure subscription will be used in the following exercises. The code is also available at the following link:
The following list of commands should be executed in ash.
Use Cloud Shell or install the Azure CLI: http://aka.ms/azcli locally
The output and resources will be used in the following exercises.
- Create a resource group in the East US region for your Event Hubs demo:
az group create -l eastus -n EventHubDemo-RG
- Generate a unique name for your Event Hubs namespace and storage account:
- Create an Event Hubs namespace:
az eventhubs namespace create --name $account --resource-group EventHubDemo-RG -l eastus --sku Standard
- Create an event hub. This hub is where events are sent and received:
az eventhubs eventhub...