Switching to game mode
CryENGINE prides itself on the saying What you see is what you play, and the switching to game mode is a testament to this.
It goes without saying that testing your work often is the key to a successful project, and the quick easy use of switching to Game Mode within the Editor allows you to test at will without the need to close Sandbox.
Even though the Editor is built with this feature to allow Developers to check their work, this is still only an emulation. This means that there are several special editor rules and debug options available in this mode, which isn't fully representative of what the Player might see in the Pure Game. Even though it is an excellent idea to test often by switching to Game Mode, it is also important to do any final testing in the Launcher on your target platform to have a proper Pure Game experience.
In this recipe, we will cover the simple, but highly important use of switching to game mode. This function allows you to jump into your level...