Using tokens in templates
In CiviMail you can substitute tokens for contact data so that your recipients get a personalized message.
How to do it…
CiviCRM has a comprehensive collection of tokens that you can use to personalize mailings.
Navigate to Mailings | New Mailings and create a new mailing.
Place your cursor in the main edit screen and click where you wish to place a token.
At the top right corner of the main edit screen, click on the Insert Tokens link. A pop-up box appears containing all the tokens that are available.
Click on the token you wish to use. This is now inserted into your message.
There's more…
You can also mail contacts by doing a search and selecting Send Email to Contacts in the Actions menu. You can put tokens into these mails too. CiviCRM restricts you to 50 contacts or less using this method.