Time for action - numbering elements and creating a PDF
Orson Welles, late in his life, turned (like many aging stars) to doing television commercials. Most famously, the ones for a wine company in which he intoned, "We will sell no wine before its time." Were Welles still around today, he would probably be churning out new radio scripts and pontificating, "We will send out no script before it's made into a PDF." (He could make that sound good!)
Maybe not, but we still have to get our scripts, audio, and otherwise into a PDF to e-mail or print out.
As in the other script editors, click on the TypeSet/PDF button at the bottom of the main script window, as shown in the following screenshot:
Clicking on this button causes Celtx to send our script out on the Internet, format it, and return it as we have already seen several times (but it's still a powerful magic). However, we can make changes to the format, and Celtx automatically recreates the PDF.
One of those changes is numbering elements. At...