Launch with an intent
Wouldn't it be cool if you could launch this app any time you go to view an image on your phone, especially 360-degree photospheres?
One of the more powerful features of the Android operating system is the ability to communicate between apps with intents. An intent is a message that any app can send to the Android system, which declares its intent to use another app for a certain purpose. The intent object contains a number of members to describe what type of action needs to be done, and, if any, the data on which it needs to be done. As a user, you may be familiar with the default action picker, which displays a number of app icons, and the choices, Just Once, or Always. What you're seeing is the result of the app you were just using broadcasting a new intent to the system. When you choose an app, and Android launches a new activity from that app, which has been registered to respond to intents of that type.
In your AndroidManifest.xml
file, add an intent filter to the...