Chapter 11. Massive Graphs on Big Data
Graph theory is one of the most important and interesting concepts in computer science. Graphs have been implemented in real life in a lot of use cases. If you use a GPS on your phone or a GPS device and it shows you driving directions to a place, behind the scenes, there is an efficient graph that is working for you to give you the best possible directions. In a social network, you are connected to your friends and your friends are connected to other friends, and so on. This is a massive graph running in production in all the social networks that you use. You can send messages to your friends, follow them, or get followed, all in this graph. Social networks or a database storing driving directions all involve massive amounts of data, and this is not data that can be stored on a single machine; instead, this is distributed across a cluster of thousands of nodes or machines. This massive data is nothing but big data and, in this chapter, we...