Azure Functions
Azure follows the same FaaS platform principles as other vendors do. It is a functions platform where you can trigger function code with events or schedules. There is no need to provision any infrastructure. It is a production-quality service that can be used for event-driven services, APIs, WebHooks, and many more such use cases. It has pay-as-you-go billing and scales automatically.
A couple of core concepts of functions that you need to learn about first are function triggers and bindings. A trigger is what invokes a function, and a function can only have one trigger. Triggers can supply inputs to a function if the triggers themselves have associated payloads. An HTTP trigger is a trigger that comes via an HTTP endpoint and invokes the function. In this case, the HTTP request will become the input payload for the function.
Bindings are the declarative way to define a connection to other cloud services and access them. A function could have zero or more bindings...