The following is a list of limitations for group replication:
- Group replication works on top of a GTID-based replication, and it depends on transactions. So, we need tables with the InnoDB storage engine, which has transaction support.
- CREATE TABLE...SELECT statements are not allowed, because the binlog_format maybe different on the master and slave. If the format is set to STATEMENT, the binary log will have one transaction with one GTID. If the format is set to ROW, the CREATE_TABLE..SELECT statement would result as two transactions with two GTIDs.
- When the binary log format is set to STATEMENT, the creation of temporary tables and dropping temporary tables cannot be used inside transactions, functions, or triggers when we use GTID-based replication with auto commit set to 1. From MySQL 8.0.13, if the binary log format is set to ROW or MIXED...