Intel said it is now working with Facebook on its much anticipated artificial intelligence chip which will be shipped by the end of this year. Intel, the chip giant, is making an ambitious debut into the field of artificial intelligence with its upcoming Nervana Neural Network Processor (NNP). “We are thrilled to have Facebook in close collaboration sharing its technical insights as we bring this new generation of AI hardware to market,” CEO Brian Krzanich wrote. The Intel Nervana Neural Network Processor is named as such because Intel acquired the chip startup Nervana Systems in 2016.
Cisco has launched two new AI-enabled services – Business Critical Services and High-Value Services – to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence in helping businesses negotiate IT risks and predict failures. Cisco Business Critical Services will help predict opportunities by applying actionable analytics, automation and technology expertise, whereas the Cisco High-Value Services will enhance the overall utilization of advanced software, solutions and the network.
SAP has released several machine learning, facial recognition, and Internet of Things features to improve e-commerce experience with targeted marketing campaigns. With the updated SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud solution, companies can use the right messages to target the right customers. SAP said the personalized offers will ensure data protection and privacy.
Tableau’s much anticipated in-memory data processing engine “Hyper” is now in beta release 10.5 and will be generally available early next year, the company announced at its recent conference at Las Vegas. The Hyper engine was described at Tableau’s last year conference and it claims to to solve performance problems when handling large-scale structured data extracts. In future, Hyper will be enhanced to address NoSQL and graph workloads.
IBM SPSS Modeler is now available for free, as part of IBM’s Academic Initiative program where it provides many software and cloud services for free or reduced cost. Students and professors can go to ibm.onthehub.com and search for IBM SPSS Modeler. They will require to get a license key valid for one year.